Monday, October 02, 2006

Mark Foley in rehab

So the email-sex pervert Mark Foley is heading to rehab. Interesting, I thought he resigned because he was sending inappropriate emails to interns. I guess when in doubt go into rehab. I wonder how the GOP will spin this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Friend friend, this is HUGE for the GOP. It goes way beyond southern Florida. His Dem opponent in the district is already talking about the credibility of republican leadership... I predict Dems across the country will be leveraging this issue without ever bringing up Foley's name. All they have to talk about is Hastert "knowing or not knowing" about IM's versus E-mails, and what's more important - keeping a seat or keeping our kids safe. Zing.

Oh man, as a registered GOP member, my head is starting to hurt. But as long as McCain comes out swinging, I think I'm OK.